It was threatening to storm the day I met Elena Santangelo at Merrymead Farms. We were closely watching the weather while eating delicious ice cream and discussing her
body of work. She has written historical mysteries with modern characters. Being true to the time periods is important to her so she does the research before using her creative side. Though she remains relatively subdued throughout the interview, her passion for and belief in using language of the time to create new characters and events is evident.
She wrote her first book,
By Blood Possessed, in 1995 and it took four years to get published. It was started because of a dare from her brother. Just as he influenced the start of her career, her parents have influenced the books she wrote, but she is now ready for a new chapter.
When asked about her upcoming plans, Elena mentioned wanting to write a book that would encourage girls to be interested in science. She also mentioned that she would like the challenge of writing a children's book.
Her writing cannot begin without knowing where things are going. She will listen to hear the narrator's voice in her head. Because she is a fan of language, the color/flavor of her characters come to her before she begins to write. She further develops the language and character as she writes. Elena firmly believes that writers need to work at their words to get it right.
Elena gives credit to all the writers she knows for influencing her.
Agatha Christie has been the most influential author for her. The great narrative style of Christie's early books spoke to Elena. She recently did a companion book for Christie's short stories entitled
Dame Agatha's Shorts.
As a mystery writer, her competitors are also friends that she wishes success. As she gives encouragement to others, I wish it for her to meet the level of success she desires. Elena is a creator and wishes that for others. She believes in using imagination to fully develop her music and stories.
For more information about Elena and her books visit: